Friday, 21 August 2015

Woodsy risotto with crunchy parsley

The debate over if, when, and how much to stir your risotto has been going on for many years. I come from a country that calls any cooked rice mixed with something else risotto, so I disqualify myself from the debate. 

I use the stirring method, because I dislike exact recipes and want to feel the right consistency come about. The one and only correct consistency, like the stirring, is another dilemma in the risotto world. Insults are soupy, sticky or gluey. 

I prefer mine on the solid side, and for this recipe's final presentation it is important that the risotto isn't too runny.

The woodsy twist comes from chanterelle mushrooms, blueberry- and lingonberry-powder.

What you need

Risotto rice 
White wine
Bouillon cubes 
Parmesan cheese, grated
Olive oil
Blueberry- and lingonberry powder
Crunchy parsley (see below)
Cut chives for decoration

How to do it

Boil about 1 litre of water and dissolve 2-3 vegetable bouillon cubes, set aside

Chop the shallots, simmer in mixture of olive oil and butter in a large kettle until soft

Maintain medium heat and add the rice (something like 2 dl or 2 cups or 400-500g) and keep stirring. Pour some wine (about 1 dl or one cup) and keep stirring. 

Add warm bouillon little by little whilst stirring, until you reach a risotto-like consistency (= al-dente soft and creamy).

Add the grated parmesan (about 100 g / ½ cup) right after taking off heat. Set aside.

Gently fry the chopped chanterelle mushrooms in butter:

Set aside.

Divide the risotto into two and add lingonberry powder to the other and blueberry powder to the other.

Crunchy parsley decorations come next. (This is the oven-roasted kale classic but with parsley).

What you need:
Olive oil
(optional: Garlic and/or truffle oil)

How to do it:

Heat oven to 170 C / 350F.

Dip parsley into the salted olive oil / sieved garlicky olive oil / olive oil mixed with a few drops of truffle oil.

Place on a baking sheet and cook in the oven for approximately 10 minutes until crunchy.

Serve with cut chives:

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