I read an amusing article in a grocery store newsletter, the «Coop Zeitung», which is like the «Pirkka Lehti» in Finland.
It was about how to prepare a fine dining experience for you
guests whilst avoiding stress.
Most of the advice was simple and common sense, such as «plan your
menu in advance», a good tip was to make a serving «rehearsal» the day before
to see nothing is missing.
Sounds like overkill? Not in this case, as the article was about making a dinner of 9 courses for 9 guests.
It starts with the selection of guests «The guests should
have common interests; sports, traveling, eating, or drinking».
Personally, I never had problems entertaining guests who liked
food & drink.
The best part was the checklist, so fabulously Swiss.
Two weeks prior:
1. Ask the guests about any food allergies
2. Warn your neighbours
3. Ensure enough parking space
The day before:
1. Cool ice for the
2. Place drinks in the fridge
3. Set the table as a dry-run to see if anything is missing
4. Choose your outfit
On the day of the dinner:
1. Make space for gifts, and bring out vases for flowers from the
guests (how embarrassing for the guests and yourself if no-one brings flowers...)
Tip: Invite Swiss guests, they will
2. Make space for umbrellas and for overcoats
3. Place fresh soap and guest towels in the bathroom. Place one
guest towel as an example in a small basket so that your guests know where to put
the used ones
4. Place soft toilet paper and extra rolls of (soft) toilet paper in the bathroom
5. Hide your personal hygiene stuff and medication
6. Put away any post that’s lying around
7. Empty the dishwasher and trash
8. Place out bottle openers
9. Spray the apartment with a nice scent
10. Create a working plan for cooking and pay attention to
each recipe’s timing
11. Light your apartment beautifully
12. Place ashtrays on the balcony and ensure there is enough
seating for smokers. (Add lambskins and cozy blankets in the winter).
After the event:
Note the names of the guests and what was served, this will
be helpful for your next dinner party.
My recommendation: Fewer courses and more guests. When you
invite your good friends you can relax even before the dinner and focus on
having fun.
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