Saturday, 28 March 2015

de-cluttering children

The most important single thing in Feng Shui is de-cluttering. 

It is hard work.

You can encourage your kids to de-clutter for you by asking them to pretend being special agents or robots

The rule is that any item in a wrong place is eating precious good energy.

The correct place of an object is called Location Zero (0). When the object is there, you have no energy loss.

Tell your kid(s) to walk around the house saying in a robotic voice: 

"Scanning environment". 

"Scanning environment".

If they see a book lingering on the sofa they must say: 

"Displaced object detected!

Then they must pick it up and as they walk to the bookshelf they shall chant:

"Returning object". 

"Returning object".

And as they put the book back where it belongs they say: 

"Object returned to Location Zero".


You can add to the game that the further from Location Zero an object is, the worse the energy loss. 

Rooms (or floors) can be named or numbered in a Sci-Fi way, ask your child for suggestions. 

(Here are some: the Nether, Tadpole hole, Hobbiton, Room of Requirement, The Chamber of Secrets, New Erewhon, Otherland, Abarat, Fangland, Boo'ya Moon, Mejis, Gilead).

When your kids tire of the game, and they will, you can still amuse yourself with it in secret. By doing this you turn de-cluttering into a mindfulness exercise!

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