What are you running from
do you really think you can hide.
What if you run faster than anyone
or become invisible
- a smiley positive.
Your past will still catch up with you.
Past raw gentle truth.
Your past is gentle in its truth
and it is patient
it waits until you are ready -
ready to carry the burden
ready to feel pain
and ready to face the shame.
Then hits you with full force.
Your past is raw with its truth
it tears up all old scars
the ones you thought had already healed
and those you didn't know existed
you will bleed again.
And you will doubt yourself,
regret every choice
there is a voice in your head,
telling you you did wrong
but here is an another voice;
the voice of your heart, spirit and soul.
Listen selectively.
This is your new source of strength now
opening your eyes to what is real and meaningful.
Your new insight into the human soul's ugliness
will make you doubt, cry, and vomit
and you learn
that behind every action there is a motive
and those motives are understandable,
sometimes even noble.
Cherish the truth,
welcome your bleeding scars.
They make you human.
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