Monday, 30 November 2015

Notes on Meditation 2

The world is full of books on meditation so I will only share my own personal experiences and opinions.

Here's how my meditation went yesterday:

Sat down.
Focused on my breathing.
Watching thoughts come and go.

My thoughts were like short strings of overcooked spaghetti.

"I had some dream last night..."
"Must hang up laundry soon"
"I wonder what's happening in the kitchen?"
"Are the cats still sleeping?"

One breath.
One more breath.

"I'm lazy"
"What was that dream again?"
"Why didn't I do the washing yesterday?"
"Oh shit, focus on breathing now!"

"Anyone can meditate better than me"
"I can't even just breathe!"

Go back again, get to three breaths and then comes the Grand Finale:

Mind makes up a silly song. About vegetables. 

Is this brain supposed to be the evolutionary culmination of intelligence?

End of meditation session.

I felt like a failure. Even my cats are more Zen than I am.

But the truth is: The harder the practise feels to do, the better the exercise will be. 

Will do it again today. And tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow.

Next bus-stop: Nirvana.

And maybe the world needs a silly song about vegetables!

Notes on meditation 1

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