By Robert the Serious Siamese
Now that the sun will disappear in less than a month and no-one can guarantee to 100% it will come back, I'm going to share my personal close-to-death experience.
I nearly died right after Christmas.
MyPerson had decided the family needed some sun so they took off on vacation. My brother Jacob and I always go on full alert when bags are being packed and people race around the house searching for odd items. This is our moment; We get to sneak into rare cupboards and even into the bags. One day we are going on holiday, too!
After myPerson had double- and triple checked that Jacob and I were safe and where she wanted us to be
(= "sleeping" on the bed), everyone got into the taxi but then the "man of the house" shouted "STOP!"- because he had to go and fetch something he'd forgotten. While he got his wallet and passport he also decided to check if the lights had been switched off from the garage. I used the opportunity to sneak in. The garage is a cool place.
But then there I was -stuck in the garage with no food and no water, and it was cool as in freezing. Luckily I found a spot where I could safely pee. I don't think it even smelled too bad.
Hungry, thirsty and scared I curled up and counted seconds. There are many, many seconds in 24 hours. My Humans always have a cat- and house-sitter when they go away and the woman appointed to this task rescued me. I shall love her forever.
Interestingly -this episode brought into light a new feature in me. You may have heard of crystal children. They usually have blue eyes, are very wise and often mislabeled with ADHD/ADD. Well, I am all of the above and in addition I freaking pee crystals. Look at this:
This makes me not just a Moon Diamond Cat (which is something we Siamese inherit by default) but also a Crystal Cat. I will however bring this up next time we go see my vet, just in case it is a sign of a serious kidney disease.
The "man of the house" did not go berserk after I peed in his toolbox because myPerson was nearly in tears of the thought I could have died in that garage.
And all tools are super-clean now.
So there is always a silver-lining to all scary or even sticky stories - so I shall believe the sun will return after the eclipse.
In the end, everyone's happy. And the new tool box is really neat.
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