Saturday, 19 September 2015

Finnish meat pie

Lihariisipiirakka ("rice-meat pastry") is a traditional Finnish dish.

There are several variations, my absolute favourite is the "Lihis", a deep fried doughnut filled with minced meat and rice.

Here is an easy Lihapiirakka recipe. 

What you need

Eggs 5-6  
Rice 5 dl (2 cups) 
Onions 2-3
Ground meat 500-600 g (about 20 oz)
Puff pastry, 2 sheets 
Bouillon cubes 2-3
Butter for frying

How to make it

Boil all eggs but one
Cook rice in bouillon
Cut and fry the onions in butter with the ground meat

Now you have this:

Mash the eggs with a fork and mix with the rice and meat

Place one pastry sheet onto an oven tray, add filling

and put one pastry sheet on top.

Brush with a raw egg and prick with a fork

Bake in 200 C (390 F)  oven for 30-40 minutes

Serve with salad and feta cheese cubes

Or with pumpkin soup

Or just serve as is

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