Saturday, 26 September 2015


A flood of refugees
suffering families fleeing their homes.

European politicians acting as referees
meanwhile my countrymen are throwing stones.

I am an expatriate
and a proud patriot,
but seeing a Finnish man 
dressed as Ku Klux Klan
in the international news
blows my fuse
and throws me into a refugee's shoes.

I don't know the solution 
the European politicians, elected to decide
are still struggling with simple air pollution
and trying to choose the right side.

They talk about the costs -
As if tormented humans were moths,
how most economically to eradicate
or fairly allocate.

They supposedly have access to all facts
so I forgive my own ignorance.
We still cannot turn our backs
or prop up fences of defense.
Political history leaves deep tracks.

It tears me apart
but here's what I know in my heart:
We humans do not ignore suffering
we do not ignore a person hungering
we humans do not let people die
and we do not turn our backs on a baby's cry.

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