Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Aubergine (eggplant) health benefits

I’ve tried out some aubergine recipes lately because they are so beautiful with their smooth, dark violet skin.

This beauty also contains health benefits for humans because in the skin of aubergines there are special compounds.

These special compounds are strong antioxidants and the most studied ones are called chlorogenic acid and nasunin.

In the past, it was thought that eating aubergines would cause insanity. 

I’ve had aubergine food for the last four days and feel just fine…

Research shows that aubergines when eaten with the skin, have several health benefits; here are the two most interesting ones

   1. Fights cancer

Aubergine skin protect cells from damage and may slow-down, or even prevent cancer growth and the spread of cancer cells.

The nasunin in the aubergine skin also disrupts a cancer growth’s ability to grow new blood vessels. No fresh blood for the cancer growth– and it will wither away.

   2. Improves brain function

Protects brain cell membranes and helps transport nutrition into the brain cells as well as transporting waste-products out.

Increases blood flow to the brain, improving memory and may slow down development of dementia.

Aubergines also contain a lot of vitamin B1, B3, B6, folic acid, copper, manganese, and vitamin K.

Some warnings:

Nasunin catches iron and removes it from the body. This is good for most of us because excess iron works as an oxidant -causing harm to vital organs.

Our bodies have no way to get rid of too much iron (unless you are a woman with heavy and frequent menstruation, or a very active blood donor), hence aubergines are helpful for all, but not necessarily for those with severe iron deficiency or anemia.

Aubergines contain oxalates (like spinach and rhubarb), and people prone to kidney stones are usually encouraged to avoid oxalate-rich food.  

The oxalates also inhibit the absorption of calcium, but here the trick is to consume calcium-rich foods at a separate meal.

Look at their beauty:

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